Our initiative consists on promoting the Tax to Financial Transactions Tax, so we have created a petition on change.org for collecting signatures supporting this tax. We have sent this petition through e-mail to friends, teachers, families, NGOs and even the members of the Europea Parliament.
For disseminating our initiative and promoting the European Union:
-We have informed about everything that we have done in our social nets.
-We went to a radio station (Onda Cero) and to a newspaper, Diario de Burgos, where we were interviewed about our project in Euroscola.
-We have given talks about the European Union in some Primary Schools and we made a video about it.
-We have made a Glogster, in which we summarized our initiative and incorporated links and videos we made.
-We have interviewed the citizens about their opinion about the EU and the FTT, and we have made a video.
-We also have made booklets with information about the European Countries and the EU institutions in collaboration with other students of our class. With them, we created a mural about the European Union, in our High School.
-We have drawn a comic about the FTT and designed designed a poster for promoting the FTT.
-We have talked with some economists and philosophers, in order to understand better the European Union.

We were supposed to participate in this contest in English but, as we wanted to reach many people (from different ages, countries...) we have translated every text that we have written and subtitled all the videos, so each text is in both languages: English and Spanish.

That´s how we work / Así trabajamos...

martes, 8 de abril de 2014

Comic about the FTT

         In this comic we have drawn Mr. FTT (former Mr. Tobin). Opposite him you can see the most powerful people in each country of the European Union, from an economic point of view, with their own businesses. "Thanks to these people we have collected 50,000 billion dollars" ; this are the words that Mr FTT says, and they mean that if the rich people also paid, even though it was only a little percentaje , when purchasing shares, we would get a lot of money that could be used to make a better world.

        En el siguiente cómic hemos dibujado a Mr. ITF (antiguo Mr. Tobin). Frente a él están las personas más poderosas de cada país de la Unión Europea, desde un punto de vista económico, con su correspondiente empresa o compañía. "Gracias a estas personas hemos recaudado 50.000 millones de euros" ; estas son las palabras que dice Tobin, y nos quiere decir que si los ricos también pagasen, aunque solo fuera un pequeño porcentaje, al comprar acciones, se conseguiría mucho dinero que podríamos usar para construir un mundo mejor.

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