Our initiative consists on promoting the Tax to Financial Transactions Tax, so we have created a petition on change.org for collecting signatures supporting this tax. We have sent this petition through e-mail to friends, teachers, families, NGOs and even the members of the Europea Parliament.
For disseminating our initiative and promoting the European Union:
-We have informed about everything that we have done in our social nets.
-We went to a radio station (Onda Cero) and to a newspaper, Diario de Burgos, where we were interviewed about our project in Euroscola.
-We have given talks about the European Union in some Primary Schools and we made a video about it.
-We have made a Glogster, in which we summarized our initiative and incorporated links and videos we made.
-We have interviewed the citizens about their opinion about the EU and the FTT, and we have made a video.
-We also have made booklets with information about the European Countries and the EU institutions in collaboration with other students of our class. With them, we created a mural about the European Union, in our High School.
-We have drawn a comic about the FTT and designed designed a poster for promoting the FTT.
-We have talked with some economists and philosophers, in order to understand better the European Union.

We were supposed to participate in this contest in English but, as we wanted to reach many people (from different ages, countries...) we have translated every text that we have written and subtitled all the videos, so each text is in both languages: English and Spanish.

That´s how we work / Así trabajamos...

lunes, 7 de abril de 2014

Meeting with children / Charlas a los niños.

        These days we have decided to involve children in sixth and fifth of compulsory primary education in our project. So we took enough courage in both hands and decided to go to two different state schools called Ribera del Vena and Juan de Vallejo.
We prepared a PowerPoint presentation trying to spread the idea of Europe showing them different things such as What is it?, How and Why was it made up?, What has it provided us with, Which is the anthem?, How the flag is and what it represents, How many countries have joined the European Union and their names and situation in Europe...
We also spoke about the different  EU institutions  and the Elections to the European Parliament  of 22-25 May 20 which will give voters the chance to influence the future political course of the European Union. As they were children we included several games. One consisted on trying to spot seven differences  between two different pictures of our President, Mariano Rajoy, a puzzle with all the EU member countries or a crossword puzzle with  different easy concepts that we had already showed them while having the presentation.
We also included some European values such as tolerance ,respect and the union that makes a country being stronger . We would not be participating on this project or contest without any of them.
What we really learned after all the time spent  with all these children aged 10 or 12 was that we had contributed in the teaching process of building a United Europe.
 We could check what they had learned by making them questions at the end of our talk.

 Watch  the video  below and enjoy this interesting experience and the powerpoints that we used. ;)

Hemos pensado que podía ser interesante involucrar en nuestro proyecto a los niños de sexto y quinto de Educación Primaria Obligatoria, para ello nos armamos de valor y decidimos ir a los colegios públicos Ribera del Vena y Juan de Vallejo, nos entrevistamos con el director y le planteamos nuestra propuesta que fue muy bien recibida. Así que preparamos un powerpoint con el que les intentamos transmitir la idea de Europa exponiendo aspectos como por ejemplo: ¿qué es?, ¿cómo y porqué se formó?, ¿qué nos aporta y cómo nos afecta? ,¿cuál es el himno?, ¿cómo es la bandera y qué representa?, ¿cuántos países la componen? ,¿cuáles son esos países?.... entre otros aspectos .

 También les hablamos de las instituciones y por supuesto de las inminentes elecciones al Parlamento, pero para que no se les hiciera tan pesado, al finalizar incluimos algunos juegos, como un puzzle de los países que componen la Unión Europea y una sopa de letras con conceptos sencillos previamente expuestos en la presentación.
Intentamos, por supuesto, transmitirles valores europeos que consideramos imprescindibles para que la Unión siga progresando y para la calidad de vida de sus ciudadanos, como son la tolerancia, el respeto y la unidad, que nos hace más fuertes y sin la que hoy no estaríamos escribiendo estas palabras.
Pero con lo que nosotros verdaderamente nos quedamos fue con que aquellos niños de entre 10 y 12 años se habían divertido y casi sin darse cuenta todos ellos sabían un poco más sobre Europa y su importancia, como comprobamos al final de la hora cuando les hicimos algunas preguntas.
Aquí debajo , os dejamos un video-resumen sobre esta experiencia y las presentaciones que empleamos.
Esperamos que os guste ;) .

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